Tastea Mesa, Arizona
🗓 Saturday, 4/20/24
📍 111 S. Dobson Rd. Mesa, AZ 85202
⏰ Doors open at 11am
✨ E A R L Y B I R D S P E C I A L ✨
➡️ First 10 customers in line will receive a Tastea Tote, Pin, Lanyard, Raffle Ticket & a Free 20oz Peach Me Sweetea
➡️ Next 40 customers in line will receive a Tastea Pin, Lanyard, Raffle Ticket & a Free 20oz Peach Me Sweetea
➡️ Next 100 customers in line will receive a Raffle Ticket & a Free 20oz Peach Me Sweetea
🧋 W E E K E N D L O N G S P E C I A L S 🧋
We will be doing buy any tea and get a tea free all weekend long. *Free drink must be equal or lesser value
🎟 I N - S T O R E R A F F L E 🎟
Receive a raffle ticket when you spend $10 to enter our In-Store Raffle Giveaway to win special prizes!
PlayStation 5 | Meta Quest 2 | Tastea Gift Cards
*Restrictions: Grand opening festivities valid in-store only at Tastea Mesa, AZ on 4/20 - 4/21/24. Merch giveaways are only available on 4/20/24 on a first come, first serve basis. After the first 150 guest have been served, enjoy BOGO any tea. Free drink must be equal or lesser value. Valid in-store only. Jugs excluded. Some exclusions may apply. In-store raffle entry period open on 4/20 - 4/21/24 only. Make $10 purchase (after discount) to earn a raffle ticket. Initial purchase cannot be combined with any discounts or offers (ex. point redemptions, birthday or referral gifts, vouchers, etc.). Offer subject to change or expire at anytime. Third party delivery service apps do not qualify for this promotion.
Merch giveaways are only available on Saturday, 4/20/24 on a first come, first serve basis. Valid in-store only. Some exclusion may apply.
Q: How can I enter the raffle?
To participate, visit Tastea Mesa, AZ from 4/20/24 -4/21/24 and spend $10 to receive a raffle ticket.